Saturday, January 5, 2013

Stalling the Cliff-Not Avoiding

Congress has just gotten through one of the most annoying sessions ever. While the Democrats did technically get a deal passed, it wasn't a good one, nor did they really win. It simply kicked the can down the road for the next congress to deal with, and taxes will still go up on most people. There will be another "fiscal cliff" in a couple of months, and don't expect anything to get done until then. The paychecks will not be increased, and is actually still likely to decrease, and the partisanship of both parties has only gotten worse. This aide for Sandy bill that was just passed in the congress was just to get the new congress started, and it hasn't lasted. It is time for Congress to act as a whole, and it isn't just Democrats or Republicans that were being partisan, but rather both parties. Please Comment below.

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